Our Treatments

Our Treatments

Invisalign and In-house Aligners

Straighten Your Smile with Invisalign and Aligners
As an experienced provider of Invisalign in Traverse City Orthodontics specializes in creating healthy, beautiful smiles with the revolutionary technology of clear, removable aligners.
Invisalign can be a great option for both teens and adults, and it provides a level of discretion that exceeds even clear braces. Our In-house Aligner system offers many of the benefits of Invisalign using our 3D-Printer.
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T(r)ied and True
Metal braces are the most common type of treatment used in orthodontics, they are a tried-and-true method to straighten teeth, and provide great overall control for Dr. Stumpos. Traverse City Orthodontics uses clear and metal braces in Traverse City, MI, that are made of the latest technology in high-grade stainless steel, so they are extremely durable. Metal and clear braces utilize brackets, small rubber bands, and archwires to straighten your teeth over the course of your treatment process.

Itero Scanner

No more goop or discomfort. Using our iTero scanner, Dr. Stumpos can take a highly accurate digital impression of your teeth and jaw. The new technology completely eliminates the need for tray and putty impressions, where the experience can be uncomfortable. The iTero scanner digitally captures the structure of the teeth and gums using the latest optical technology. The scanner is a compact, hand-held wand and can be used for any orthodontic treatment, like Invisalign aligners or retainers.

Phase 1 Treatment

Phase I or Early Treatment is usually planned for children ages 6 to 10. Phase I treatment is designed to correct or improve conditions in young, growing children. This often involves treating problems with jaw growth and bite malalignments, such as a crossbite, underbite, or overbite. Early treatment very often turns a severe problem that could require jaw surgery into a moderate problem that can be treated with braces at a later age. Some early bite problems are caused by thumb or finger habits or tongue thrusts. These persistent habits are good indications for Phase I evaluation and treatment. Finally, Phase I treatment can be designed to simply help improve the spaces available for the permanent teeth that are yet to come in.

3D Printing

3D Printing technology has been transforming orthodontics for some time now, providing modern orthodontists with notable advantages over orthodontists of the past. One of the biggest advantages today’s orthodontists have at their disposal is the use of a 3D printer. By making smart use of this exciting technology, orthodontists are making treatment better for patients everywhere. The convenience of 3D printing technology is used in the process of creating custom aligners, retainers, and significantly reduces the time to replace any items that are lost or broken.


Once we remove your braces, we will move into the retention stage of your treatment. Wearing retainers allows you to maintain the beautiful smile you've worked so hard to achieve. Your final orthodontic result depends on your retainers, so be sure to follow your Orthodontists recommendations carefully. We offer a variety of retainer types: Clear Essix Retainers, Hawley retainers, and Bonded Retainers. The type of retainer you will get is determined by your treatment plan.